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Category: Activism

የኢትዮጵያ ቀይ መስቀል ማኅበር ለፋኖ ታጣቂ ኃይል የምስጋና ደብዳቤ እንደላከ የሚገልፅ የደብዳቤ ፎቶ በተለያዩ የማህበራዊ ሚዲያ መድረኮች ተሰራጭተዋል። ምስሉ በፎቶሾፕ
የኢትዮጵያ መከላከያ ሰራዊት አባላት የሚታዩበት ቪዲዮ “ፋኖ ይችላል” ከሚል ድምፅ ጋር “በፋኖ የተማረኩ የመከላከያ አባላት” እንደሆኑ ተደርጎ አንድ ይዘት በቲክቶክ
The shared video alleging that Addis Ababa residents are taking part in the so called "Zemecha Wubante" is a false
Amhara Youth Association (ወይም በአማርኛ የአማራ ወጣቶች ማህበር) የተባለ እና በርካታ ተከታዮች ያሉት የX አካውንት “ዘመቻ ውባንተ” በአዲስ አበባ መጀመሩን
ሰራዊት ኢትዮጵያ ኣብ ሃረርጌ ናብ ዝርከብ ጫካ መዳፍዕ ብምትኳሱ፡ እቲ ጫካ ክቃጸል ከምዝገበሮ፡ ሓደ ቴሌግራም ቻነል ከሲሱ። እቲ ክሲ ክልተ
Suuraan qabiyyee yaada tatee “gaaga’ama toora diriirsa elektirikiirra dhiheenya kana naannoo Amaaraatti qaqqabe” jedhu tumsuuf dhiyaate kan tibbanaa miti.
Social media accounts claimed that the perpetrators of recently circulated video of armed soldiers threatening a victim with a knife
Suuraaleen lamaan Fulbaana 20, 2016 kaafaman haleellaa Wallaggaa Bahaa Aanaa Giddaa Ayyaanaa keessatti raawwatameen waan wal hin qabanneef, soba ta'uu

By MFC Staff Two authors, Tom Cooper and Adrien Fontanellaz, claimed in their 2018 published book that Addis Ababa was

By MFC Staff The purpose of human and political rights advocates is to receive information and share it to their



(MFC) is an independent fact-checking organization which is launched to pin-point, track-down, scrutinize, investigate, interrogate, publish and distribute the factual accuracy of claims made by public figures. MFC’s project has geographical priorities. Our work mainly focuses on nations in the Horn of Africa and their diaspora community who reside abroad. We operates from various regions of Africa, Europe and North America. Through a multitude of professional proficiency, MFC deploys best practices of journalism, scholarship and expertise in order to flag, investigate and publish a fact.

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