በኦሮሚያ መቂ ከተማ ጥቃት መፈጸሙን አሽከርካሪዎች መገደላቸውን እና በተሽከርካሪ ላይ ጉዳይ እንደደረሰ የሚገልጽ መረጃ ከምስል ማስረጃዎች ጋር በቴሌግራም ተሰራጭቷል። ምስሎቹ በመቂ ከተማ በተፈጸመ ጥቃት የደረሰ

More Fact Checks

በፋሲል አረጋይ የተጠቀሰው መረጃ፡ ኢቢሲ በይፋዊ የፌስቡክ ገጹ በ2016 የችግኝ መርሃ ግብር እያንዳንዷ ችግኝ ያረፈችበትን

Sooyoome Geetachootiin Yaada Abbaltii: Akkaawuntiin X tokko ‘’oddeffanoo Faanoof:…Har’a waaree booda xiyyaara waraanaa Su-27 samii

Akkaawuntii TikToki tokko viidiyoo xiyyaarri waraanaa L-100 jedhamu Bahirdar keesssati kufe kan jedhu qoode. Viidiyoon
ጋዜጠኛ መሳይ መኮንን “የአማራ ህዝብ ተነስቷል። የአማራ አርሶ አደር ሆ ብሎ ወጥቷል” የሚል መረጃ ከአንድ
Al Ain Amharic reports Ethiopia ranked 93rd globally in passport power, citing Henley Passport Index
በጎፋ በደረሰው የመሬት መንሸራተት አደጋ የሟቾች ቁጥር 300 ደርሷል ከሚል መረጃ ጋር አንድ ቪዲዮ በቲክቶክ

ABOUT MultiFactCheck

(MFC) is an independent fact-checking organization which is launched to pin-point, track-down, scrutinize, investigate, interrogate, publish and distribute the factual accuracy of claims made by public figures. MFC’s project has geographical priorities. Our work mainly focuses on nations in the Horn of Africa and their diaspora community who reside abroad. We operates from various regions of Africa, Europe and North America. Through a multitude of professional proficiency, MFC deploys best practices of journalism, scholarship and expertise in order to flag, investigate and publish a fact.

(MFC) is an independent fact-checking organization which is launched to pin-point, track-down, scrutinize, investigate, interrogate, publish and distribute the factual accuracy of claims made by public figures. MFC’s project has geographical priorities. Our work mainly focuses on nations in the Horn of Africa and their diaspora community who reside abroad. We operates from various regions of Africa, Europe and North America. Through a multitude of professional proficiency, MFC deploys best practices of journalism, scholarship and expertise in order to flag, investigate and publish a fact.

MFC in Numbers





About MultiFact Check

MultiFactCheck (MFC) is an independent fact-checking organization launched to investigate claims carrying content of mis/disinformation and publish these fact-checked claims to inform the public. MFC’s activities has geographical priorities. Thus, our work mainly focuses on nations in the Horn of Africa and their diaspora communities. MFC operates from various regions of Africa, Europe and North America. Through a multitude of professional proficiency, MFC deploys best practices of journalism, scholarship and expertise in order to flag, investigate and publish a fact.

Spot Checks

Al Ain Amharic reports Ethiopia ranked 93rd globally in passport power, citing Henley Passport Index data, with France, Italy, Germany,
በጎፋ በደረሰው የመሬት መንሸራተት አደጋ የሟቾች ቁጥር 300 ደርሷል ከሚል መረጃ ጋር አንድ ቪዲዮ በቲክቶክ ተሰራጭቷል። መረጃው በተሰራጨበት ወቅት የሟቾች
ጎንደር ላይ ፋኖን የሚቃወም ሰልፍ እንደተደረ የሚገልጽ ጽሁፍ ከቪዲዮ መረጃ ጋር በ “X” ማህበራዊ ሚዲያ ላይ ተጋርቷል። ይሁን እንጅ የተጋራው
An X account shared a video with the caption "Breaking: Fano/Amhara forces captured 100+ ENDF Oromo soldiers after several days

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Supported by r0g _agency under the #defyhatenow Ethiopia project, with funding from the European Union.