Does Twitter Handle @tiborpnagyjr Belong to Former United States Ambassador Tibor P. Nagy, Jr.?

Does Twitter handle @tiborpnagyjr belong to former United States Ambassador Tibor P. Nagy, Jr.?

MFC reached out to the former US Ambassador Tibor P. Nagy in order to establish whether or not the Twitter account seen in the screenshot below belongs to the Ambassador. The Twitter handle has 55.7K followers and follows 21 users.

MFC staff reached out to the former Ambassador via email asking if he has any social media account, particularly Facebook or/and Twitter; and if the twitter account above is owned and operated by him or by anyone with the ambassador’s permission.

Ambassador Nagy acknowledged in an email that the Twitter handle @tiborpnagyjr is owned by him and belongs to him. Based on his confirmation, MFC informs the readers that the Twitter account @tiborpnagyjr is owned and operated by the Ambassador. 

The Ambassador frequently shares his views and opinions on the wider Horn of Africa in general and the ongoing civil war in Ethiopia in particular.

Ambassador Nagy is a retired career Foreign Service Officer who spent 32 years in government service, including over 20 years in assignments across Africa. He served as the United States full Ambassador to Ethiopia between 1999-2002, United States Ambassador to Guinea between 1996-1999 as well as the Deputy Chief of Mission in Nigeria, Cameroon, and Togo between 1993-1995, 1990-1993, and 1987-1990, respectively.

We at the MFC strive to verify misleading and false claims so that people get fact-based information and make an informed decision as well. In the process of our work, accuracy and transparency hold a central role. Therefore, if you see errors in our content, please write to us at [email protected] so that our team will make corrections.

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(MFC) is an independent fact-checking organization which is launched to pin-point, track-down, scrutinize, investigate, interrogate, publish and distribute the factual accuracy of claims made by public figures. MFC’s project has geographical priorities. Our work mainly focuses on nations in the Horn of Africa and their diaspora community who reside abroad. We operates from various regions of Africa, Europe and North America. Through a multitude of professional proficiency, MFC deploys best practices of journalism, scholarship and expertise in order to flag, investigate and publish a fact.