Circulated Video not Suggest Residents of Addis Ababa Taking Part in “Zemecha Wubante”

By Naol Getachew

Claim: An X account named Amhara Youth Association with significant followers shared a video alleging that Addis Ababa residents are taking part in the so-called “Zemecha Wubante” (roughly meaning Wubante’s Campaign/March).

Verdict: False, as the video is outdated and unrelated to the current conflict in Amhara.

Image 1: A screenshot taken from the appears to show youth and federal police marching together.

On March 22, 2024, an X account named Amhara Youth Association, with over 36,000 followers, tweeted a video claiming that residents of Addis Ababa were engaged in the so-called “Zemecha Wubante” (meaning Wubante’s Campaign). The tweet has garnered over 25,000 views and more than 110 retweets.

The video was accompanied by an Amharic caption translated as: “Wubante’s Campaign has begun in Addis Ababa! The youth of Pisa [one of the most vibrant areas in the capital] are awakening at last. Protests are erupting. We have confirmed a bomb attack on a bus transporting an official.”

Image 2: A screenshot of the tweet from the Amhara Youth Association

However, MultiFactCheck (MFC) investigated the claim utilizing the Fake news debunker by InVID & WeVerify and discovered that the video in the tweet is an old clip from a 2018 clash incident involving Oromo youths (Qeerroo) and Addis Ababa youths during welcoming event for leaders of the exiled Oromo Liberation Front (OLF). This occurrence transpired five years ago.

Image 2: Another screenshot showing the image was from 2018

The video was circulated on various social media platforms, including Facebook (Link ) and Youtube (Link ) on September 14, 2018. Thus, relating that incident to the current “Zemecha Wubante” in Addis Ababa is not based on fact. Consequently, MFC rated this claims as False.


The Amhara region is in a state of emergency due to the fighting that erupted last July between Fano militiamen and the Ethiopian securitz forces.

Amid this conflict, Wubante Abate, a prominent Fano leader was reportedly killed in action. 

Thus, there are unconfirmed information circulating on social media that the Fanos are on a revenge campaign inspired by their fallen leader. 

We at the MFC strive to verify misleading and false claims so that people get fact-based information and make an informed decision as well. In the process of our work, accuracy and transparency hold a central role. Therefore, if you see errors in our content, please write to us at [email protected] so that our team will make corrections.

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(MFC) is an independent fact-checking organization which is launched to pin-point, track-down, scrutinize, investigate, interrogate, publish and distribute the factual accuracy of claims made by public figures. MFC’s project has geographical priorities. Our work mainly focuses on nations in the Horn of Africa and their diaspora community who reside abroad. We operates from various regions of Africa, Europe and North America. Through a multitude of professional proficiency, MFC deploys best practices of journalism, scholarship and expertise in order to flag, investigate and publish a fact.