Seleshi Bekele


Seleshi Bekele was the Minister of Water, Irrigation and Energy from November 2016-October 2021. He was appointed to the position in a cabinet reshuffle made by the former Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn. 

Seleshi has a BSc in Civil Engineering from Addis Ababa University. He has also an MSc in Hydraulic Engineering and Hydrology from Newcastle University and a PhD in Hydraulics and Water Resources Engineering from Dresden University of Technology, Germany.

Seleshi was the faculty member of Arba Minch University. He has also worked in International Water Management for the Nile Basin and East Africa based in Addis Ababa. He has also worked for the Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) as a Senior Water and Climate Change Specialist and then at the UN headquarters in New York as Interregional Advisor in the Division of Sustainable Development in the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA).

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