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Corrections Policy

Our work does not end with only publicizing if a claim is true or false, but we must also make corrections promptly and transparently if MFC makes errors or mistakes. Therefore, for this we develop a correction policy, which clearly defines how corrections will be made when errors are identified, how the corrected articles clearly state what was corrected and the reason it was corrected. In the event of a factual error, for instance, the re-published article will be labeled as “CORRECTION,” and an explanation of the changes is added to the report. In the case of clarifications or updates, the re-published article will be labeled “UPDATE,” and an explanation of the changes is added. In case retraction of an article deemed necessary, the process of removing that article will be communicated transparently and removed from MFC’s website.

In its policies, the MFC facilitates feedback/quality assurance mechanisms that help detect where MFC’s weaknesses are, which also contribute to corrections and retractions. These mechanisms will also help identify the strength of MFC and capitalize on that asset. MFC asks readers to send their feedback, corrections, or complaints to [email protected]